
免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) determines your eligibility for all federal student aid programs and all need-based UNE funds and must be filed annually.

的 FAFSA is filed electronically and must include UNE’s Institution Code, which is 002050.

您可以在提交预估数字之前完成FAFSA. 然而,一旦你的税完成,你需要更新你的FAFSA. 的 IRS Direct Data Exchange (DDX) may be used to update your information roughly 两个 weeks after you have filed your tax forms.​

的 use of the IRS Direct Data Exchange will be mandatory beginning with the 2024-2025 FAFSA.



你必须符合某些申请经济援助的资格要求. 在提交FAFSA之前审查您的资格状态.


完成并提交FAFSA要求您 申请FSA ID 来自教育部.

如果你的父母在你的申请上提供了他们自己的信息, they will need to obtain their own FSA ID (be sure to use separate emails for each ID).

You will be able to sign your FAFSA electronically as soon as you obtain your FSA ID. It will take a few days for the Social Security Administration to verify your information before you can use the ID to log into federal websites.



你的经济援助是根据你的成绩来决定的 依赖状态 由联邦政府决定. Based on answers provided on your FAFSA about age, degree plan, marital status, etc.,将厘定受抚养人的身份,并发放相应的援助.


After submitting your application, you'll receive your Student Aid Index (SAI). 的 SAI replaces what was previously known as the Estimated Financial Contribution (EFC). FAFSA表格使用“联邦方法”计算您的SAI,” which estimates the contribution of both students and “contributors” (generally parents or legal guardians). 然而,这并不是你实际支付的金额. Your SAID is determined by the income and assets (excluding the value of your primary home) of you and your contributors. 

Also considered is your Cost of Attendance (COA): the estimated expenses you will incur that the 金融援助 Office can recognize. 出现在账单上的费用是直接成本,包括学费, 强制性的费用, 还有食宿. 间接成本计入COA,但不计入您的账单. 的se include allotments for books and supplies, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses.




In order to receive vital Student Financial Services communications and complete 金融援助 process requirements, 你必须 设置您的UNE帐户 尽快.

Upon electronic receipt of your FAFSA and acceptance into an eligible degree program, UNE将决定您的奖励资格.


If you are a new student to UNE, you will receive your financial aid award letter in the mail.


如果你是正规澳门赌场网络的归国学生, you will receive a UNE email notification that your financial aid award is available to view.


如果您的信息不完整, you may be required to file corrections before your application can be processed. 更正可以通过更新你的FAFSA.


If you are selected for verification (a process by which UNE is required to review federally selected students for accuracy of FAFSA data) you will not receive a finalized financial award until your FAFSA data has been verified.

您将收到确认通知, 其他未完成的要求, 和重要的经济援助信息通过电子邮件和你的 U-在线 帐户(UNE的学生门户网站).

你可以在1点使用说明.edu/verification to help determine any outstanding requirements needing completion

It is very important to provide the requested documents as fast as possible to avoid delay in your award.


当你收到最终的获奖信时,你必须登录 U-在线 to accept the terms and conditions and then accept or decline any offered aid. 任何礼品援助都会自动记入您的账单.

It is your responsibility to notify us of all financial assistance you will receive from outside sources like private scholarships, 学费减免, 以及一些退伍军人的教育福利. Federal regulations require that we consider all other tuition assistance before we calculate the financial aid award UNE can offer you.

您将通过UNE的电子邮件收到重要的财务信息 U-在线 账户. 你可以在1点使用说明.edu/newstudent指导,帮助您访问您的UNE帐户.



学生 must authorize the University to apply federal financial aid funding to non-educational charges on their bill. 我们需要你对此做出决定,并完成我们的要求 U-在线.

If you wish to permit Student Financial Services professional staff to engage in any kind of conversation (i.e. 在人, 电话或电子邮件)正规澳门赌场网络你的帐户和财政援助, 您需要填写一份信息发布授权书. 这个要求 U-在线 帐户仅适用于您授权他人与我们交谈的情况. 选择不填写此表格不会影响你的经济援助.


你获得的经济援助可能不会包括你所有的直接费用. 在这种情况下,余额将到期. 这里有一些方法可以帮助你支付剩余的费用.


我们鼓励正规澳门赌场网络的学生寻求校外奖学金. Our policy is to let outside scholarships fill any unmet financial need as part of your financial aid award. 在这种情况下,奖励调整实际上是必要的, 我们将首先尝试减少贷款及/或勤工俭学资助.

An effective way to reduce student loan borrowing is to access as many scholarships as possible. We urge you to research available scholarships and take advantage of as many as you can every year you are in school.

寻找奖学金的重要资源包括指导顾问, 父母的雇主, 地方组织, 和银行. 我们开发了一个 奖学金搜索工具 as well as a comprehensive list of the best scholarship search engines and tools on our 钱的问题 页面.


如果你有一个计划来帮助支付大学学费, 我们建议您使用这些资金来偿还任何余额. 过去的收入是指已经存起来或收到的钱. 这可以是大学储蓄计划、信托账户、投资股息等.


If you can access current earnings on a monthly basis, we recommend you enroll in our 学费支付计划. Your payment plan amount will be based on the remaining balance due after other payment arrangements (i.e. 财政援助(私人贷款,外部奖学金)到位. To maximize the number of months for your payment plan, enroll as soon as you receive your new bill.


家长贷款(PLUS)和私人贷款 are available when looking for ways to pay the remaining balance after 金融援助 and personal funds are applied.


金融援助 funds are scheduled to disburse (payout) to your 账户 at the start of each semester and are applied to any outstanding charges.

请参阅 支付进度 to determine when your funds will pay out according to your academic calendar. Financial aid funds disburse electronically unless you are notified otherwise.