
Federal Student Aid is making big changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the 2024–2025 aid year.

国会于2020年通过, the FAFSA Simplification Act represents a significant overhaul of the 奖ing and processing of federal student aid. 这一变化包括FAFSA表格, 确定联邦援助资格的需求分析, 术语的变化, and many policies and procedures for schools that participate in federal student aid programs.

2024-2025 FAFSA 2023年12月上市

从历史上看,FAFSA表格已于每年10月1日开始提供. 然而, 由于申请和处理的重大变化, 2024-2025年FAFSA要到2023年12月才会生效. 虽然这个日期可能会改变,但任何更新都会在这里公布.


New students who plan to begin classes at UNE in the summer of 2024 or fall of 2024 should complete a FAFSA form as soon as it becomes available in December. 返回正规澳门赌场网络的学生应尽快填写FAFSA表格. Due to software updates necessary to process 奖 letters we are unsure of when we will be able to send 奖s. Our goal is to send new undergraduate students’ 奖s letters in March and all other student populations in April.


FAFSA简化法案有很多好处, 包括更精简的申请流程, 更好的用户体验, 扩大获得联邦学生援助的资格, 并减少了某些学生群体的障碍(例如.g., 无家可归、无人陪伴的年轻人, 被监禁的学生, 英语学习者, 以及来自低收入家庭的学生).



FAFSA表格将把问题的上限从108个减少到46个. 因为在线FAFSA表格是动态的, 有些学生甚至不会看到全部46道题. This streamlined format will simplify the application process and make it less daunting for students and their 家庭.


以前, the FAFSA form only allowed students to list up to 10 colleges and universities.


目前,FAFSA表格只提供英语和西班牙语版本. The 2024–25 application will be expanded to include the 11 most common languages spoken by English learner students and their parents.


以前, users had the option to enter their tax information manually or use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. 从2024-25年开始, all persons on the FAFSA form will be required to use the IRS Direct Data Exchange to share tax information or confirm non-filing status. This change makes it easier to complete the FAFSA form and reduces the number of questions to be answered. If you do NOT opt into the data exchange the student will NOT be eligible for federal student aid.


A contributor — a new term being introduced on the 2024–25 FAFSA — refers to anyone who is required to provide information on a student's form (such as a parent/stepparent or spouse). A student's or parent's answers on the FAFSA form will determine which contributors (if any) will be required to provide information.

Contributors will receive an email informing them that they've been identified as such, and will need to log in using their own FSA ID (if they don't already have one) to provide the required information on the student's FAFSA.

Being a contributor does not mean they are financially responsible for the student's education costs, but it does mean the contributor must provide information on the FAFSA form or the application will be incomplete and the student will not be eligible for federal student aid.


A notable terminology update within the new FAFSA is the replacement of the term Expected Family Contribution (EFC) with the Student Aid Index (SAI). This name more accurately describes the number used to determine aid eligibility and, 不像EFC, SAI可以是负数,低至-1500.


以前, the FAFSA form calculated the number of household members attending college into the EFC, 按比例分配以确定联邦援助资格. 从2024-25年FAFSA开始, 该应用程序仍然会询问有多少家庭成员在上大学, 但你的回答不会被计算进SAI. 像这样, undergraduate UNE students with siblings in college may see a change in their federal aid eligibility.


家庭收入低于175%单亲家庭收入低于225% 联邦贫困水平 会看到他们的学生得到最高的分数吗 联邦佩尔助学金 奖. 最低佩尔助学金将保证给家庭收入低于275%的学生, 325%, 350%, 或者是贫困线的400%, 取决于家庭结构. 佩尔奖学金的最高和最低金额将由SAI决定.

The parent responsible for submitting the FAFSA form in cases of divorce or separation has changed

依赖学生, financial information was previously needed from the parent(s) the student had lived with the most in the last 12 months. 有了新的FAFSA, financial information will be required from the parent(s) who provided the most financial support to the student.


When required, 家庭 must now report the value of their small business or family farm. 家庭农场包括主要居住地的, applicants should determine the total net value of all farm assets and subtract the net value of their principal residence to determine the final value of their farm assets.


While the FAFSA application is receiving an update and the aid eligibility calculation has been revised, 有许多与援助有关的事项不会改变.

  • The general types of aid available to UNE students and federal student loan limits will not change.
  • The FAFSA form will still be required for consideration of federal and state financial aid every year.
  • Dependency status questions that determine if your parent(s) must complete FAFSA will remain the same.
  • FAFSA表格仍然会要求上一年的税务信息, 这意味着你将在2024-25年的申请表上报告2022年的收入和资产. 收入大幅减少的家庭可以考虑提出上诉.
  • 正规澳门赌场网络入学申请截止日期不会改变.
  • 正规澳门赌场网络申请人性别的问题, 比赛, and ethnicity will have no effect on federal student aid eligibility and are included for statistical purposes and data collection only. (事实上,UNE甚至不会从FAFSA表格中收到这些数据.)

UNE Office of 学生财务服务 is dedicated to providing timely updates to students, 家庭, 我们的社区. 由于大量的变化正在发生, 对于2024-2025学年,我们网站的部分内容可能还不是100%准确. We'll continue to update this page as we receive more information from the Department of Education and Federal Student Aid, and appreciate your patience as we work to implement the changes brought by the FAFSA Simplification Act.