
Why can’t the 通讯办公室 just update my profile for me?

No one but you knows better when the information in your profile changes. 网络团队不知道你是否得到了提升, 或者换了办公室, 或者转系或转校, or published a paper — you can update any of this information (and more) the instant it needs updating — the web team can’t. We ask each person to be in charge of their own profile for this reason.

Ok, if the web team can’t do it, can someone else edit my profile for me?

Yes. Occasionally departments select an administrative assistant (or someone else) to be in charge of all profiles (or for a subset of the department, such as adjuncts who are often based off-campus and it is more difficult to have them keep up with their content). However, 请记住,每个配置文件只能有一个管理员, 所以如果你选择让别人来管理你的, 你将失去访问权限.


If you are a new faculty/professional staff member and need a profile to be created for you, 你可以登录一个.以两种方式教育:

  • 在您的Okta登录屏幕上,单击i-xuan.net tile. 这将带你回到你的世界.Edu帐户登录界面.
    • 单击My Profile链接. 这会让你看到这段文字: 感谢您登录新UNE网站. You may notice that you can no longer manage your content on the site. 要重新建立您的帐户,请填写这张表格.
    • 点击链接并填写表格, selecting the "New Profile (select this if you do not have a profile and need one created + access)" option under "Please tell us what types of content you need access to create and edit"
    • Our team will complete the request, reaching out with any questions if necessary. 一旦您的请求完成, you will get a confirmation email that will contain the video guide and written instructions on how to edit and maintain your profile. 书面说明,以及一个 正规澳门赌场网络管理您的在线个人资料的常见问题解答,网址为 yyayul.i-xuan.net/communications.
  • Go to i-xuan.net/edit, 如果您已经登录到Okta, you will already be logged in to the website and can follow the steps above. If you are not already logged in to Okta, you will see a button that says “Log in with Okta.点击它,登录Okta. 一旦你登录,你将被带到你的房间.Edu帐户登录界面. 然后,按照上面的步骤操作.

点击链接并填写表格 to request access to either an existing profile or to have one created.

Our team will complete the request, reaching out with any questions if necessary. 一旦您的请求完成, you will get a confirmation email that will contain the video guide on how to edit and maintain your profile.

Another possibility is that someone else is the admin of your profile. Check with people in your department to see if this is the case. If so, the web team will need the ok from that person to switch the access (we do this because most of the time departments have a good reason — such as difficulty getting people to maintain their profiles — for giving access to one person).

如果你点击我的个人资料,进入一个有这段文字的页面: 单击下面要编辑的配置文件的名称,你已经有权限了. Click on the name of the profile you want to edit and that will bring you to that profile, 然后点击编辑. 

How do I get my profile to show up on my Department’s people webpage?

Information filled out on the Teaching Status tab controls where your profile shows up on the website.

The website uses HTML code in numerous places to populate webpages across the UNE website — using that code, the Department field in your profile controls where your profile shows up on the website. The Department(s) you chose will put your profile on the corresponding webpage, the Contract Type will put it under the correct header on that page.

A good rule of thumb is if you haven’t picked the Department from the dropdown that matches the Subsite name (the text over the banner image on the page you want your profile to show up on) then you won’t show up on that page. 在右边的例子中, you can see that 通讯办公室 has been selected in the Department dropdown (top image), allowing the profile to show up on the 通讯办公室 People page (bottom image). 两张图片都可以点击放大.


All images used on the UNE website must be approved by the 通讯办公室 Design Team. If you have a photo you would like to use for your profile, please submit it for approval using our Web内容编辑请求表单. 如果你的形象被认可, it will be uploaded into the Media Library and you will receive a confirmation email once this has been done. Then, you can go in to edit your profile and add the image on the Name and Bio tab, 在肖像, 或者我们可以帮你.

If your image is not approved, we will contact you and let you know. 如果发生这种情况, 或者如果您还没有想要使用的照片, 我们建议和我们的摄影师拍一张照片, 冬青海伍德. Our office holds portrait sessions on both campuses where you can have an profile picture for you profile taken by Holly. Information about the portrait sessions will be announced in the Community Announcements email that goes out to all employees every Friday. 您也可以查看 通讯办公室网站 and 事件日历 看看是否有即将到来的会议. 

更多正规澳门赌场网络员工资料图片的信息可以点击 请参阅我们的员工资料照片指引(PDF).