
Study the impacts of societal understandings of gender and sexuality

If you enjoy crossing academic boundaries and admire those who dare to cross societal ones, 这个项目可能正适合你. Look through the lens of this multi-dimensional academic discipline to see the profound impacts of societal understandings of gender and sexuality on our lives. 辅修课程结合了性别领域, women’s, sexuality, and queer studies to explore the social construction of gender and sexuality in a variety of cultural contexts, 向你们介绍理论, methods, 以及这些交叉学科的问题. You’ll come away with a deeper regard for gendered individuals of all backgrounds, a more accurate and equitable account of the human experience, 以及非常抢手的沟通和批判技巧, flexible thinking.



你可能会被UNE的性别所吸引, Women, 及性研究副修 because it promises to infuse your class schedule with variety, beckoning you toward a completely different path from your major course of study. Or, you may find that, 鉴于辅修课程的多样性, you can craft an impactful niche extension to your major that enables you to examine gender and sex roles from a particular disciplinary perspective — be it one grounded in the social and behavioral sciences, the humanities, the arts, 或者健康行业. Moreover, as a Gender, Women, 及性研究副修, you can customize your Core curriculum by strategically selecting courses that satisfy the minor requirements and the Core requirements simultaneously.

These classes became more than a minor; they taught me a new way of viewing the world, 批评这个世界, 以及生活在这个世界上. They have made me a better law student and will make me a better lawyer.” — Emily Mott, B.A., Class of ’20, Psychology major; Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, 精神健康康复, 政治学三副修


Experiential Learning

We believe that hands-on learning is integral to the UNE educational experience. Through engaging classroom activities as well as optional internships and research, this minor will take you beyond the classroom and into the realm of real-life experience.

Classroom Activities

As a Gender, Women, 及性研究副修, you won’t just be learning — you’ll be doing. The following are just some of the hands-on activities in which you may participate:

  • Examining a local woman’s diary kept during the Great Depression
  • 参与服务学习项目,例如.g. 促进女性参与体育运动)
  • Creating personal narratives on gender and health through hand-made books
  • Activism projects related to women’s, gender, or sexuality issues
  • Conducting generational interviews to gauge how perceptions have changed over time


Many of our students have used an internship at a local agency or organization of interest as their capstone project, completion of which is just one way of meeting one of the minor’s requirements. 过去的实习地点包括:

  • 缅因州女作家作品集
  • Planned Parenthood
  • 关爱无限(家庭暴力支援)
  • 缅因州参议员办公室
  • Portland Outright (LGBTQ+青年支持)


Because the Gender, Women, 及性研究副修 is such a perfect complement to so many different UNE majors, students are often eager to work under the supervision of a faculty member to conduct a research project that ties their interests in the minor to their interest in their major area of study. Examples include:

  • 美国土著妇女与历史的隐身
  • 女性、小说和囚禁叙事
  • History of Title IX
  • 妇女、教育和数学
  • 性暴力的神经学观点


借鉴广泛的学术领域, 正规澳门赌场网络性别学系提供的课程, Women, 辅修性学涵盖了广泛的主题, 包括以下课程:

  • 写作与妇女健康
  • 《成长中的女性:美国女孩的历史
  • 妇女与环境
  • Sex and the City
  • Psychology of Gender
  • 维多利亚时代英国的妇女与法律


Eighteen (18) credits as indicated below will satisfy the minor in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies.

GWS 200 -妇女研究导论3
GWS 400 -性别,妇女和性研究的顶点 or one (1) 300- or 400级性别,妇女和性研究选修3


ANT 228 -性别人类学3
ant312 -人口贩卖3
ART 199 -时尚鉴证3
生物/GWS 340 -性与性别生物学3
CMM 340 -妇女和电影3
ENG 310 -写作和妇女健康3
ENG 327 -世界女作家3
ENV 331 -妇女与环境3
GWS 276 -古代世界的妇女3
GWS 278 -现代世界的女性3
HIS 204——成长中的女性3
他的250 -美国妇女的历史13
he 251 -美国妇女历史23
HIS 337 -妇女历史话题3
HIS 349 -洛杉矶的性别/性史3
HIS 353 -欲望都市3
PSC 312 -家庭与政治3
PSC 450 -当代女权主义理论3
鸟叔215 -性别心理学3
SOC 240 -种族,类 & Gender3
SOC 350 – Deviance3
SLM 290 – Latin American Sport and Gender (formerly SRM 290)3
SCWK 325 -人际和社区暴力3
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies elective credit may be given for the following topics courses. Examples of special sections for which credit will be given are listed in parentheses.Credits
罪犯,白痴 & Minors3
ENG 234 – Topics in British Literature after 1800 (Fallen Angels: New Woman Fiction in England and America)3
ENG 235 – Topics in US Literature to 1865 (Women’s YA Dystopian Fiction)3
ENG 235 or ENG 435 – Topics in US Literature to 1865 (Women of the West)3
ENG 326 -文学主题 & 健康(文学中的疯狂)3
ENG 326 -文学主题 & 健康(病人叙述)3
HIS 276 – History Human Trad I (Women in the Ancient World)3
he 278 -历史与人类传统II(现代世界中的女性)3
HIS 290 – History Hands On: Topics (Sex and Power: Women in the Americas)3
他的395 -到底发生了什么?3
HIS 399 – Topics in History (Gender and Sexuality in Latin American History)3
PSY 405 – Special Topics Seminar (Psychology of Sexual Orientation)3

Elective credit may, in some cases, be available through internships or directed studies when approved by the Program Director for Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies. This elective credit must have content that is women, sexuality, and/or gender-focused.

要了解更多有关该计划的信息,请访问 Academic Catalog.

Find your Career

这个项目的跨学科性质, encompassing English, political science, psychology, environmental studies, philosophy, anthropology, and sociology, translates to a broad application in the job market — as do the highly developed written and oral communication skills and out-of-the-box thinking that you will develop. Whether your major is in the 文理学院 or the Westbrook College of Health Professions, the Gender, Women, 及性研究副修 can enrich your understanding of your chosen field and, in turn, 提升你的职业前景. UNE’s Gender, Women, 及性研究副修s have gone on to pursue advanced degrees and careers in a variety of fields, including: 

  • Law 
  • Business 
  • 公共历史/博物馆研究 
  • Education 
  • Publishing 
  • Journalism 
  • Arts 
  • Health Professions 
  • 心理健康和社会服务 
  • 政府及公共政策



联系本科招生处,电话:(800)477-4863或 email admissions@i-xuan.net. You can also stop by our office on the Biddeford Campus Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.